2W3 Swanson Airport

for FSX & Prepar3D
This product is discounted by 40% with the Orbx March Madness Sale 2025 (40%).
This product is also available for X-Plane 11. Click here to be taken to the X-Plane 11 page.

Welcome to Eatonville.

Set in a picturesque valley in SE Washington and adjoining Lake Ohop, Eatonville is a former logging town 25 miles west of Mt. Rainier. Swanson Airport is a quaint and unique airfield with residents living in their houses on both sides of the runway, some of them with private hangars and aircraft. What a lifestyle! To live in such a beautiful part of the world with a runway in the front garden! Orbx developers Tim Harris and Alex Goff have painstakingly recreated Swanson Airport as it appeared in 2010, and based on actual photos taken onsite and also from a helicopter visit and fly-past. Using superb 60cm region and 15cm airfield digital imagery has enabled them to recreate this airport as if you were there yourself. Featuring the unique "SnowFlow" tech and PeopleFlow2, this is a must-have destination!

Key Features

  • 60cm and 15cm per pixel
  • Airport and houses modeled
  • Gmax poly runway and aprons
  • Photoreal coverage incl. Lake Ohop
  • Custom modeled static aircraft
  • Based on actual on-site photos
  • Entire town of Eatonville is modeled
  • Snow on roofs in winter
  • Custom GA AI Traffic movements
  • Includes PeopleFlow 2
  • 5 seasons color matched imagery
  • By Tim Harris and Alex Goff
Purchase $29.99 AUD $17.99 AUD
Sales tax will be calculated at checkout where applicable.
US$11.34 | €10,51 | £8.76
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User Guide



You will need Orbx Central to download and install this product. Orbx Central runs on Windows 7+, macOS and Linux. An internet connection is also required.

The download size of this product is 501.48 MB. It uses 424.86 MB when installed.

Supported Simulators

This product is compatible with the following simulators:

  • Microsoft Flight Simulator X
  • Microsoft Flight Simulator X: Steam Edition
  • Prepar3D v1
  • Prepar3D v2
  • Prepar3D v3
  • Prepar3D v4
  • Prepar3D v5

Supported Operating Systems

This product is compatible with the following operating systems:

  • Windows

Prerequisite Products

You require at least one of the following products to use 2W3 Swanson Airport.

NA Pacific Northwest
$49.99 AUD $29.99 AUD The Home of Bush Flying
  • FSX
  • P3DV1
  • P3DV2
  • P3DV3
  • P3DV4
  • P3DV5