South America

South America, fourth largest continent in the world, the southern portion of the landmass generally referred to as the New World.


SKCG Rafael Núñez Internatinoal Airport - Microsoft Flight Simulator
$17.99 AUD $11.69 AUD Welcome to the port city of Cartagena, Colombia
  • MSFS
  • MSFS24
Aero CB
SNLO São Lourenço Airport - Microsoft Flight Simulator
$12.00 AUD Do you know the city of São Lourenço in Minas Gerais?
  • MSFS
SOCA Cayenne – Félix Éboué Airport - Microsoft Flight Simulator
$26.00 AUD $22.10 AUD Experience the Heart of French Guiana!
  • MSFS
Aero CB
SSKT Santa Catarina Aeroclub - Microsoft Flight Simulator
$9.99 AUD Enjoy this beautiful aerodrome and fly in the visual corridors of TMA Floripa and be enchanted by the coast of Santa Catarina.
  • MSFS
Aero CB
SSSS São Francisco do Sul Airport - Microsoft Flight Simulator
$9.99 AUD Located near Joinville - SBJV, on the northern coast of Santa Catarina, it's a great aerodrome for making beautiful visual flights on your MSFS.
  • MSFS


SA Mesh - Microsoft Flight Simulator
$18.84 AUD $11.30 AUD The next instalment of our successful Microsoft Flight Simulator mesh product line takes us to South America!
  • MSFS


SamScene3D Bogota City Landmarks - Microsoft Flight Simulator
$10.50 AUD Bogota, the biggest city in Colombia!
  • MSFS