ESNQ Kiruna Airport

for FSX & Prepar3D

Not only does this airport pack feature ESNQ Kiruna Airport, but ESSV Visby Airport and ESSD Dala Airport as well, giving you a well rounded selection of Swedish airports to explore.

Kiruna Airport has been developed with high detail, high resolution textures and even 3D-snow to create an immersive feeling that really captures the nordic spirit. As Kiruna is close to the Norwegian border, it has frequent links to Stockholm-Arlanda which feature primarily private jets and cargo traffic. A lot of work and precision has been put into details such as a whole new fleet of Swedish airport vehicles and flora unique to the surrounding area.The town has also been updated with 100,000's of handplaced houses and trees as well as the nearby mining area.

Dala Airport is an important milestone for Marcus, as he once developed it for FS9 years ago as freeware - he is incredibly excited to bring ESSD up to date for the modern simulation market. This airport features a very cool approach with approach lights located in a nearby horse paddock as well as animated horses (I've never heard of a horse strike before but nevertheless, make sure you aren't coming in too low!) Another cool feature of Dala is the replication of the famous red houses in the surrounding area, which have been modelled in-sim.

Visby Airport has been developed with great care and is highly detailed featuring high res textures throughout the airport and advanced modeling to ensure maximum realism. Marcus spent a lot of time trying to make atmosphere as true-to-life as possible around the city of Visby, the harbour and the old town with custom objects and coloring, really capturing the unique Swedish vibe around the airports. He has even included custom vehicles that you would normally find in the area!

Please note that all the featured screenshots depicting 3D snow are taken from P3Dv4. Due to limitations of the FSX engine, this feature will not appear as depicted.

Key Features

  • Ultra-detailed renditions of Dala Airport, Kiruna Airport, and Visby Airport
  • Advanced baked ambient lighting
  • PeopleFlow throughout the three main airports
  • Custom vehicles and objects typical to Swedish airports
  • 30/50cm airport and approach coverage
  • Introducing a new unique 3D snow effect at ESSD & ESNQ (Prepar3D only)
  • High resolution textures throughout the airports
  • Towns of Visby & Kiruna
  • Dynamic Light (P3Dv4 Only)
  • By Marcus Nyberg
Purchase $36.35 AUD
Sales tax will be calculated at checkout where applicable.
US$22.63 | €21,51 | £17.79
This purchase will earn you 17 Orbs!

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ESNQ Kiruna Airport is also available bundled with other products.



User Guide



You will need Orbx Central to download and install this product. Orbx Central runs on Windows 7+, macOS and Linux. An internet connection is also required.

The download size of this product is 3.30 GB. It uses 5.54 GB when installed.

Supported Simulators

This product is compatible with the following simulators:

  • Microsoft Flight Simulator X
  • Microsoft Flight Simulator X: Steam Edition
  • Prepar3D v1
  • Prepar3D v2
  • Prepar3D v3
  • Prepar3D v4
  • Prepar3D v5

Supported Operating Systems

This product is compatible with the following operating systems:

  • Windows

Prerequisite Products

You require at least one of the following products to use ESNQ Kiruna Airport.

Global BASE Pack
$90.90 AUD The best place to start upgrading your sim! Provides you with brand new textures and autogen for the entire planet in a single quick install. The #1 selling Orbx product!
  • FSX
  • P3DV1
  • P3DV2
  • P3DV3
  • P3DV4
  • P3DV5
  • P3DV6