EGLD Denham Aerodrome

for Microsoft Flight Simulator

Denham Aerodrome is located near Denham, Buckinghamshire, within the M25 towards the west of London. It is home to the local flying school, The Pilot Centre.

Aircraft have been flying at Denham Aerodrome since the early 1900s. It was used during both World Wars as a flying training school for Flight Cadets. It was known as RAF Denham during these times.

The airfield was first licensed as a private-use airfield to Squadron Leader J. M. Bickerton in 1938. The airfield was the home to one of the earliest parachuting clubs in the UK, starting in 1955 the "British Parachute Club" was based here until May 1956 when they moved to Blackbushe Airport in Hampshire. The club at Denham was run by instructor Dumbo Willans and was also known as the "No. 1 Civil Parachute Training School".

Currently, there are a number of charter and flight instruction and filming operators based at Denham Aerodrome as well as a helicopter maintenance facility. The Aerodrome is also home to Biggles Restaurant, named after the fictional airman of that name, and a small café called "The Crew Room" on the north side of the airfield.

Denham Aerodrome has been beautifully recreated by Burning Blue Design’s modelers and coders undertaking on-site visits. We have also collaborated with actual pilots based at Denham to ensure the highest levels of accuracy. It features:

  • Over 80 custom 3D objects have been created exclusively for Denham Aerodrome, each with full Physical Based Rendering (PBR) textures.
  • Thousands of carefully placed stock assets.
  • Enhanced high-resolution color-corrected ground textures.
  • Highly detailed control tower and café interiors.
  • Working analog weather instrument in the control room.
  • Custom windsock.
  • Dynamic objects and visitors change depending on the time of day.
  • Full night lighting with runway lights and working APAPI
  • Correct AI pattern procedures and accurate taxiway and runway placement.

Numerous custom aircraft have been added around Denham to enhance the realism and better reflect actual aircraft found at the airfield:

  • De Havilland Chipmunk
  • ‘The Pilot Centre’ Cessna 152’s
  • Robinson R44 (HQ Aviation)
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You will need Orbx Central to download and install this product. Orbx Central runs on Windows 7+, macOS and Linux. An internet connection is also required.

The download size of this product is 277.19 MB. It uses 686.87 MB when installed.

Supported Simulators

This product is compatible with the following simulators:

  • Microsoft Flight Simulator

Supported Operating Systems

This product is compatible with the following operating systems:

  • Windows