Novawing24 Mustangs Over Korea

for Microsoft Flight Simulator

At the dawn of the jet age, the Korean War broke out, and the reliable Cadillac of the Skies was once again called to frontline service.

This livery pack recreates five airframes that served with American and South Korean forces during that conflict.

  • F-51D 44-75728 flown by Major A "Moon" Mullins, 67th Fighter Bomber Squadron, USAF, Tageu AB, 1950

  • F-51D 44-84602 "Little Beast II" flown by Major Louis Sebille, 67th Fighter Bomber Squadron, Chinhae AB, 1950

  • F-51D 45-11412 "Butchie", 12th Fighter Bomber Squadron, USAF, Chinhae AB, 1951

  • F-51D 45-11613 "Linda and Bobby Jr", Pilot Curtis E Ash, 45th Tactical Reconnaissance Squadron, USAF, Kimpo AB, 1951

  • P-51D K-18 (US Serial Unknown) "Last Momona", 1 Squadron, ROKAF, Kangnung AB, 1951

Note: This livery pack is for the Reno Air Races Base P-51D. It requires either the Reno air Races: Expansion Pack or the Reno Air Races: Full Collection to be owned and installed to use.

All liveries can be accessed by selecting the North American Aviation P-51D Mustang aircraft in your Hangar.

Key Features

  • F-51D 44-75728 flown by Major A "Moon" Mullins, 67th Fighter Bomber Squadron, USAF, Tageu AB, 1950
  • F-51D 44-84602 "Little Beast II" flown by Major Louis Sebille, 67th Fighter Bomber Squadron, Chinhae AB, 1950
  • F-51D 45-11412 "Butchie", 12th Fighter Bomber Squadron, USAF, Chinhae AB, 1951
  • F-51D 45-11613 "Linda and Bobby Jr", Pilot Curtis E Ash, 45th Tactical Reconnaissance Squadron, USAF, Kimpo AB, 1951
  • P-51D K-18 (US Serial Unknown) "Last Momona", 1 Squadron, ROKAF, Kangnung AB, 1951
Purchase $5.00 AUD
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US$3.14 | €2,91 | £2.43
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This product has been produced by Novawing24. For Novawing24 product support, please go to

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User Guide



You will need Orbx Central to download and install this product. Orbx Central runs on Windows 7+, macOS and Linux. An internet connection is also required.

The download size of this product is 194.55 MB. It uses 654.67 MB when installed.

Supported Simulators

This product is compatible with the following simulators:

  • Microsoft Flight Simulator

Supported Operating Systems

This product is compatible with the following operating systems:

  • Windows