NZCH Christchurch International Airport

for Microsoft Flight Simulator

Christchurch Airport – (NZCH) is located in Canterbury on the east coast of New Zealand’s South Island, it is New Zealand’s second busiest airport, after Auckland.

It has two sealed runways (02/20 – 3822m & 11/29 – 1741m) and one parallel grass runway (02/20). Christchurch Airport opened in May 1940 and was New Zealand’s first International Airport in 1950.

You can do almost any type of flying to and from NZCH, with its Domestic and International flights, B737 & Metroliner Cargo, Helicopter and fixed wing operations – Rescue operations and charter flights, NZ Flying Doctors Service, International Antarctic Program with US Air Force flights and General Aviation from the Canterbury Aero Club.


  • NZA Simulations Proline Plus™ Airport
  • Full 3D custom modeled airport including all the surrounding business parks ≈ 300 buildings
  • NZA’s full PBR true-to-life runways and aprons
  • All the lines, YES even the roads and carparks in the area are done properly.
  • All the fences, including detailed fence weeds
  • High-resolution custom CGL ground aerial imagery
  • Custom Approach, Runway & Apron lighting to match the real world.
  • Terra-formed runway
  • Parking positions set up with correct Airline codes for compatibility with Air Traffic mods such as AIG, FSLTL, etc.

Full 3D Interiors

  • Interiors for the main terminal, all boarding areas, and more
  • Novotel Hotel – with top and ground floor fully 3D and high-res parallax room textures.
  • ATC Tower
  • GCH Aviation Private Jet Terminal and Helicopters at the south end of the airport


  • Custom Jetway Sounds
  • Terminal Interior Sounds – Chatter, announcements, etc.
  • Terminal Piano Sounds


  • Animated Jetways – Custom for each gate to match the real ones
  • Animated 3D AI people walking about the terminal, ATC, and other areas
  • Animated Custom AI vehicles roaming the airport
  • Custom Ground Service vehicles – Pushback & Catering Truck
  • Sudima Hotel Clock working to Sim Time
  • Rotating Primary Airport Surveillance Radar

Custom Nose-In Guidance System (VDGS)

  • Support for Aerosoft’s VDGS at the Airliner Gates (16-35)
Purchase $37.27 AUD
Sales tax will be calculated at checkout where applicable.
US$23.49 | €21,68 | £18.22
This purchase will earn you 18 Orbs!




This product has been produced by NZA Simulations. For NZA Simulations product support, please go to

View NZA Simulations on OrbxDirect


User Guide



You will need Orbx Central to download and install this product. Orbx Central runs on Windows 7+, macOS and Linux. An internet connection is also required.

The download size of this product is 2.44 GB. It uses 4.05 GB when installed.

Supported Simulators

This product is compatible with the following simulators:

  • Microsoft Flight Simulator

Supported Operating Systems

This product is compatible with the following operating systems:

  • Windows

Prerequisite Products

You require at least one of the following products to use NZCH Christchurch International Airport - Microsoft Flight Simulator.

NZA Simulations
NZA Simulations Model Library - Microsoft Flight Simulator
$0.00 AUD Model Library for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020
  • MSFS