NZQN Queenstown Airport

for FSX & Prepar3D
This product is discounted by 40% with the Orbx March Madness Sale 2025 (40%).

Extreme adventure capital of the world!

Queenstown Airport is one of Australasia's fastest growing airports and is ranked as the fourth busiest of New Zealand's airports. Located at Frankton in New Zealand's South Island, it serves the resort town of Queenstown and handles around one million passengers a year. Situated in a valley on the shore of Lake Wakatipu and shadowed by the mighty Remarkable ranges, it is an extremely challenging and exciting airport for both commercial and general aviation operations. A unique figure eight approach and departure procedure will challenge you as your skirt the mountains surrounding the airport. Martin Herare, who who brought you YMML, YMEN and worked on YBBN, has gone to great lengths to make this an accurate representation as possible. This is a much anticipated compliment to Orbx's New Zealand South Island and will most definitely be popular, especially for those with the NGX!

Due to unresolved issues for P3D versions 2.4 and above, we recommend NZ Regions and Airports have crash detection disabled.

Key Features

  • 150km2 of 50 cm per pixel imagery
  • High def unique static aircraft
  • Advanced rendering and lighting
  • Ambient occlusion techniques
  • TextureFlow optimised = great FPS
  • On-site photos taken by Orbx staff
  • Full suite of Flow technology used
  • Custom modeled airport & houses
  • Gmax poly runway, aprons & lights
  • Beautiful coastal location
  • Includes PeopleFlow animations
  • Atmospheric night lighting
  • Jardine's Field and Frankton
  • Kawerau and Shotover Rivers
  • Fits seamlessly with Orbx NZSI
  • Remarkable shopping center
  • By Martin Henare
Purchase $31.81 AUD $19.09 AUD
Sales tax will be calculated at checkout where applicable.
US$12.04 | €11,15 | £9.30
This purchase will earn you 13 Orbs!

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User Guide



You will need Orbx Central to download and install this product. Orbx Central runs on Windows 7+, macOS and Linux. An internet connection is also required.

The download size of this product is 480.29 MB. It uses 664.84 MB when installed.

Supported Simulators

This product is compatible with the following simulators:

  • Microsoft Flight Simulator X
  • Microsoft Flight Simulator X: Steam Edition
  • Prepar3D v1
  • Prepar3D v2
  • Prepar3D v3
  • Prepar3D v4
  • Prepar3D v5

Supported Operating Systems

This product is compatible with the following operating systems:

  • Windows

Prerequisite Products

You require at least one of the following products to use NZQN Queenstown Airport.

NZ South Island
$49.99 AUD $29.99 AUD Middle Earth is real, it's spectacular NZ South Island!
  • FSX
  • P3DV1
  • P3DV2
  • P3DV3
  • P3DV4
  • P3DV5