//42 787 Immersion (Legacy)

for FSX & Prepar3D
747 Immersion

• This product is sold in its current state. It will not receive further updates or active support from //42. Please ensure compatibility with your sim and note all requirements before purchasing.
• Required Aircraft below does not appear to be sold or supported by QualityWings anymore:
QualityWings Ultimate 787â„¢ Collection for Prepar3D v4/5
QualityWings Ultimate 787â„¢ Collection for FSX

In our search for total immersion, we often overlook the finer details that are missing in-sim. It's these important details that add the most to our experience. For this, we present our Immersive Line of products.

Few aircraft can claim to be both elegant and a real workhorse. We created 787 Immersion for the QualityWings 787 with this elegance in mind. You'll love what you see, from draping the iconic wing flex in condensation to rendering immersive volumetric lighting!

We have worked tirelessly to bring about one of the most beautiful Immersion packages. We believe we have done an amazing job at recreating each and every effect with every little quirk the Boeing 787 presents. We are proud of our product and confident you will love it too!

Like any other Immersion package, you can expect the utmost quality and realism from us. We ensure that each effect is displayed at the right time and in the right conditions. We pride ourselves in making each Immersion package as real as it gets!

Requires at least one of the following aircraft

QualityWings Ultimate 787â„¢ Collection for Prepar3D v4/5 âž”
QualityWings Ultimate 787â„¢ Collection for FSX âž”

Performance first

Performance first

Respect for performance is dear to us. Several hours of testing with some of the big names in the community went into making sure our product has little to no impact on performance. We have reached the perfect balance between incredible effects, great frame rates, and an extremely low memory footprint.

Wing condensation

Wing condensation

The Boeing 787 wings are nothing short of impressive. Never have we seen so much wing flex in a wing, and recreating wing condensation in-sim was quite the challenge. We were able to create wing condensation that is balanced yet ultra-realistic. Likewise, condensation on the 787 wings will respect the wing dimensions and extend from leading to the trailing edge, from root to tip, where condensation is to be expected.

Furthermore, our wing condensation effect will show several stages depending on the conditions. Mark our words; nothing beats a humid departure from Manchester. The show is grandiose!

Engine condensation

Engine condensation

Engine condensation with 787 Immersion is unique and stunning! The effect is also equipped with varying intensity according to numerous factors. Hence, the effect will display as you would expect, whether only a little or full thrust is applied. Taking off from Delhi on a hot and humid afternoon will be grandiose from the window seat as these two giant turbines get filled with condensation!

Jet wash

Jet wash

The Trent 1000 and GEnx that equip the Boeing 787 are powerful turbines that always leave their mark in wet conditions! Our jet wash effect not only looks powerful, but it is also imposing and feels as such! You, as a pilot-in-command, will feel the thrust in your hands as you push the throttle forward and see the action reaction behind the aircraft!



Contrails have always been a matter of contention in Flight Simulator X and Prepar3D. Many people have attempted to fix them but never achieved the level of realism pilots expected from them. 787 Immersion comes with majestic three-dimensional contrails. We have developed contrails from the ground up that doesn't just look right; they feel right! Moreover, beautiful-looking contrails are contrails that are regulated by weather variables!

Volumetric lighting

Volumetric lighting

Volumetric lighting is one of the most realistic effects in the 787 Immersion package. It is the most sought-after effect seen both from inside the flight deck and out. As its name implies, volumetric lighting adds volumetric effects in low visibility conditions to all-important exterior lights. For example, volumetric lighting from the landing lights will redefine how you fly in a CATI, II, or III approach.

Other effects

+ Many other effects

New touchdown effect for your hard landings, new engine start-up smoke under cold conditions, new brake dust effect when retracting the landing gear under rain conditions, and water droplets falling off the wing for a more realistic walk-around! Water vortex from the ground into the engine (that one is amazing!), and water vapor vortices under each wingtip on rotation.


  • Effects will not show if all engines are shut down.
    The technique used to display effects around the aircraft depends on the airplane's smoke system, which does not work when all engines are off. This is a Simulator limitation.
  • Effects are not visible during an instant replay.
    Flight Simulator X and Prepar3D's replay system is very limited and does not allow the replay of advanced effects systems. A great solution in Flight Simulator X is to use FSRecorder with the smoke replay option turned off.
Purchase $17.00 AUD
Sales tax will be calculated at checkout where applicable.
US$10.71 | €9,93 | £8.28
This purchase will earn you 18 Orbs!


//42 787 Immersion (Legacy) screenshot //42 787 Immersion (Legacy) screenshot //42 787 Immersion (Legacy) screenshot //42 787 Immersion (Legacy) screenshot //42 787 Immersion (Legacy) screenshot //42 787 Immersion (Legacy) screenshot //42 787 Immersion (Legacy) screenshot //42 787 Immersion (Legacy) screenshot //42 787 Immersion (Legacy) screenshot


This product has been produced by //42. For //42 product support, please go to https://parallel42.com/pages/contact

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User Guide



You will need Orbx Central to download and install this product. Orbx Central runs on Windows 7+, macOS and Linux. An internet connection is also required.

The download size of this product is 0.00 B. It uses 0.00 B when installed.

Supported Simulators

This product is compatible with the following simulators:

  • Microsoft Flight Simulator X
  • Microsoft Flight Simulator X: Steam Edition
  • Prepar3D v4
  • Prepar3D v5

Supported Operating Systems

This product is compatible with the following operating systems:

  • Windows