//42 Jacobite Train & Station

for Microsoft Flight Simulator
EGH5 - Jacobite Train & Station

Heads Up!
• If you purchased this scenery directly from Jeppeson2001, then you already own this.
• Please note that the Train is an animation, and therefore is NOT controllable in sim.
• World Update 3 (UK & Ireland) scenery must be installed for the scenery to show correctly.
• Minor conflict with Orbx EU Great Britain North which is pending an update per our heads up.

About Scenes:
Scenes have a small footprint vs. complete sceneries that cover a larger area. They are also perfect places to play with //42 Campout as they were designed with plenty of plane camping space.

Expect challenging strips with immaculate vibes; whether it feels remote or cozy will depend on each scene.

EGH5 - Jacobite Train & Station

A detailed animation of the Jacobite Train traveling over Glenfinnan Viaduct to a station in Scotland with a nearby helipad.

The train travels from a wooded area about 1 mile before the Glenfinnan Viaduct, it then proceeds over the viaduct onwards to Glenfinnan Station and beyond, before re-spawning back at the wooded area. The total track length is about 3 miles.

Along with the already included Glenfinnan Viaduct POI, this scenery contains POI markers at the Glenfinnan Monument, and Glenfinnan Railway Station.


  • 3D Animated Steam Train with wheel system animations.
  • Interior modeling of the Train Engine & Carriages
  • Train Sounds
  • Steam Effects
  • 3D modeled Rail Track
  • Scenery of the Glenfinnan Railway Station with Platform Announcements
  • Highly detailed model of the Glenfinnan Monument which is located next to Loch Shiel.
  • PBR Textures
  • Detailed Night Lighting
  • It comprises 36 individual animated parts, 6 individual smoke effects, and 8 separate sound effects
Purchase $12.00 AUD
Sales tax will be calculated at checkout where applicable.
US$7.56 | €7,01 | £5.84
This purchase will earn you 8 Orbs!




This product has been produced by //42. For //42 product support, please go to https://parallel42.com/pages/contact

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You will need Orbx Central to download and install this product. Orbx Central runs on Windows 7+, macOS and Linux. An internet connection is also required.

The download size of this product is 280.65 MB. It uses 502.02 MB when installed.

Supported Simulators

This product is compatible with the following simulators:

  • Microsoft Flight Simulator

Supported Operating Systems

This product is compatible with the following operating systems:

  • Windows