Orbx PNG Highlands Pack 2
The second pack of strips from Indie developer, Ken Hall, ventures further into the Highlands, TEP TEP is the highest of these strips at over 7000ft altitude, down to 3000ft at GUHU nearer the coast. The pack has seven new strips all crafted for a challenging and immerse-full experience, strips include:
AYSP- Sapmanga, AYIS- Isan, AYTP- Tep Tep, AYBC-Bambu, AYNA-Nankina, AYNH-Nahu and AYGH-Guhu
Pack 2 is a compatible addition to the original Pack 1 and is within an easy flight to connect the two. A flight at the Pilatus Porter from Sapmanga to Guhu landing at all seven strips offers a flight requiring flying over peaks higher than 11,000 ft and descending steeply into the scenic valleys where the strips are.
Relax and enjoy the unique scenery that is characteristic of PNG. There are plenty of challenges as some of the strips are quite short and steep and will test your ability to operate an STOL aircraft.