CNC3 Brampton-Caledon Airport

for Microsoft Flight Simulator
MSFS 2024 Compatible
This product is discounted by 25% with the Orbx March Madness Sale 2025 (25%).

CNC3 Brampton Caledon Airport is a well-known local GA airport in Toronto area, where many of GTA enthusiast learn to fly and enjoy flying for many years. The airport is famous by it’s signature blue GA hangars with red roofs and mostly open aircraft pods, and a large open-air tie-down parking area. The original generic scenery looks unrealistic and has many issues, including the lack of the parking area, “baked-in” aircraft silouettes, unnstural grass texture etc. This scenery is replacing 28 generic hangars with a custom 3D models and model variations and includes a total of 38 hand-modelled buildings, as well as plethora of custom and stock objects carefully placed to increase realism and immersion.

Key Features

  • 38 Hand-modeled 3D buildings throughout the airport
  • 28 signature blue semi-open hangars with red roofs modelled
  • Custom start parking spots on the apron (Ramp 11) and inside the hangar (Ramps 14 and 15)
  • Improved and redrawn taxiways, added missing lines and markings
  • Corrected and masked textures and terrain features
  • Multiple aircraft models parked in correct parking areas and inside signature open hangars
  • Main airport building with parallax windows and signage
  • Hand-modelled ultra-detailed small airport beacon on the main building’s roof, replacing unrealistic default large beacon tower
  • The Great War Flying Museum hangar with parallax windows and surrounding area
  • Museum exhibition building with signage
  • 3 accurate customized WWI fighter airplanes rolled out in front of the museum hangar, as they often are during public events – Fokker D1, SPAD S.VII, Royal Aircraft Factory S.E.5
  • 4 Seasons Aviation building and area
  • Welcome airport sign with embedded props and surrounding vegetation
  • Animated Canadian and RAF flags that wave in the wind, following the correct wind direction
  • Custom aprons and aircraft parking, with signature tie-down parking spots
  • Realistic Fuel area with the appropriate equipment, personnel shed and correct night lighting
  • Custom night lighting of hangars, illuminating the planes inside and hangar sides
  • Authentic streetlamps around the main building
  • Parked cars, airport vehicles, painted car parking spaces and blocks, picnic tables, fences, vegetation and other random objects were added at the correct spots for more realism
  • Hand-drawn custom helipad at an accurate location
  • Few remaining autogen hangars replaced with more suitable models
  • A wooden walking bridge between the main building and apron, including 2 decorative boulders and a picnic area
  • Added a windsock at the correct position with night lighting
  • Several animated people around the airport
Purchase $17.99 AUD $13.49 AUD
Sales tax will be calculated at checkout where applicable.
US$8.51 | €7,88 | £6.57
This purchase will earn you 9 Orbs!




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You will need Orbx Central to download and install this product. Orbx Central runs on Windows 7+, macOS and Linux. An internet connection is also required.

The download size of this product is 92.53 MB. It uses 255.86 MB when installed.

Supported Simulators

This product is compatible with the following simulators:

  • Microsoft Flight Simulator
  • Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024

Supported Operating Systems

This product is compatible with the following operating systems:

  • Windows