Venom Zero Productions F-5 Tiger II

for Microsoft Flight Simulator

The F-5 Tiger II is a supersonic light fighter aircraft designed by Northrop Corporation. The F-5’s low production and operating cost made it a popular export aircraft. It has seen service in over 26 countries and is still operational in the United States (US Navy Adversary Squadrons), Taiwan, Mexico, and Iran. Although designed as a daytime, local air superiority role, the F-5 is also capable of carrying out ground attack roles. Within the United States, the US Navy continues to use the aircraft in an adversary role. The Navy’s F-5 active duty squadron (VFC-13 Saints) is located out of Fallon Naval Air Station, Nevada (Home of Top Gun). The Navy’s F-5 FTS (Full Time Support) squadron is located out of Key West Naval Air Station (VFC-111 Sundowners).

Note: This aircraft is built for entertainment purposes only - Not designed for study-level simulation.

Key Features

  • Outstanding external model with true-to-life liveries highlighting real-world operators
  • Two Unique Exterior Models (F-5A and F-5E)
  • 14 Liveries Included
  • Basic Autopilot
  • External Lighting to match real aircraft
  • Custom-built cockpit (with limited switch interaction)
  • Interior cockpit backlit gauges
  • Fully Animated Exterior Control Surfaces
  • Animated Gauges, Throttles, Stick, Rudder Pedals
  • Simulated Radar Scan (scan only; does not pick up targets)
  • Weapon Station Activation Switches
  • Custom Weapons including TACTS Simulation POD for the F-5E
  • Drag Chute
  • Paint Kit Included
Purchase $22.70 AUD
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US$14.23 | €13,78 | £11.47
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This product has been produced by Venom Zero Productions. For Venom Zero Productions product support, please go to

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User Guide



You will need Orbx Central to download and install this product. Orbx Central runs on Windows 7+, macOS and Linux. An internet connection is also required.

The download size of this product is 612.58 MB. It uses 3.08 GB when installed.

Supported Simulators

This product is compatible with the following simulators:

  • Microsoft Flight Simulator

Supported Operating Systems

This product is compatible with the following operating systems:

  • Windows