xEnviro Weather Engine

for Microsoft Flight Simulator

DarkSpace and Threshold proudly present the most accurate weather engine for Microsoft Flight Simulator. With over ten years of experience reproducing real weather on X-Plane with realistic training in mind, we have ported the core of xEnviro over to Microsoft Flight Simulator to get the most precise weather in the most popular simulator.

xEnviro core code is based on two decades of atmospherical study incorporated into an extremely sophisticated mathematical model. xEnviro is the most technologically advanced tool that uses the most progressive technologies. xEnviro features a user-friendly interface with flexible settings for each component. xEnviro is fully ready to use out of the box. xEnviro software is constantly being updated. xEnviro has been designed by aviation professionals for training purposes.


  • Real-time meteorological data with a refresh interval from 5 up to 60 minutes.
  • Historical weather data is available at 30-minute intervals. (One-year history available)
  • Atmosphere condition based on dynamic air parcel prediction model used for real aviation research and training.
  • Advanced atmosphere topology methods provide accurate cloud thickness and density prediction.
  • Atmosphere quality includes humidity, pollution, and fine particle amount.
  • Actual wind direction and speed for all levels as well as for the temperature, turbulence, and wind shear.
  • Simulation of in-cloud turbulence.
  • Surface crosswind components can be reduced during ground roll for users with no rudder pedals.
  • Seasonal data processed by our servers all year round provides real-time snow coverage.
  • All the weather and atmosphere-heavy calculations are executed on our servers. Therefore, expect no performance impact on your hardware.
  • Feature to look up the current METAR and TAF reports in the Weather Briefing window.
  • Feature to display METAR reports for the stations around your aircraft.
  • Options to change the Flight Simulator toolbar appearance and size.

This product has been produced by xEnviro. For xEnviro product support, please to go http://www.xenviro.net/support/

Note: To obtain your serial key, please navigate to your account on Orbx Direct and open the order information for xEnviro. Your key can be found under the "License Key" field by pressing "Show License Key" or by viewing your order details.

Purchase $36.99 AUD
Sales tax will be calculated at checkout where applicable.
US$23.31 | €21,58 | £18.00
This purchase will earn you 33 Orbs!


xEnviro Weather Engine screenshot xEnviro Weather Engine screenshot xEnviro Weather Engine screenshot xEnviro Weather Engine screenshot xEnviro Weather Engine screenshot


This product has been produced by xEnviro. For xEnviro product support, please go to http://www.xenviro.net/support/

View xEnviro on OrbxDirect


User Guide



You will need Orbx Central to download and install this product. Orbx Central runs on Windows 7+, macOS and Linux. An internet connection is also required.

The download size of this product is 13.48 MB. It uses 26.13 MB when installed.

Supported Simulators

This product is compatible with the following simulators:

  • Microsoft Flight Simulator

Supported Operating Systems

This product is compatible with the following operating systems:

  • Windows