//42 Flow Pro

for Microsoft Flight Simulator
Your purchase includes Flow, a customizable menu system add-on utility.
Say goodbye to the poorly designed default toolbar. Flow brings a highly intuitive and easy-to-navigate in-game interaction wheel into flight simulation.

Our revolutionary menu system challenges the status quo and offers a new and improved way of accessing and interacting with information. Navigating a single row of ever-growing control panels has become an unsightly chore in Microsoft Flight Simulator. 42 is the answer; goodbye toolbar, hello Flow!

As PRO as you

Pro is a platform for power users. With Pro and basic JavaScript knowledge, you can create custom widgets and share them! Not into scripting? Find a widget for your favorite aircraft or function, and import it directly into a wheel. Twitch integrations further enrich the experience for content creators. Want to go faster than the wheel? Try shorthand in the “Otto” search bar where LL = Landing Lights!

Customizable wheel layouts

  • Arrange panels to your needs.

Static & Dynamic wheels

  • Static & Dynamic wheels. Static always show, and Dynamic show only in a specific aircraft.

An everyday use for static wheels would be utilities and frequently accessed widgets you always want to have available. With Dynamic wheels, you can have a specific wheel of tools per aircraft. Imagine having unique sets for a bush plane, a glider, and another for a helicopter. Tube liners too!

Portal widget by //42

  • Portal widget allows you to find friends online within the sim and teleport to them.
  • Portal widget allows you to favorite airports to quickly browse conditions on the ground.

Imagine being able to find your friends at-a-glance and without exiting to the world map! With Portal, you can do just that and more!

Weather widget by //42

  • Weather widget you to visualize winds or search and swap weather profiles instantly.

We built a weather panel with the most valuable information and a visualizer based on your current position. Additionally, you can change weather presets on the fly. But we didn't stop there; there's a search bar to find a preset when you know exactly what you want and a randomizer button for when you don't!

Time widget by //42

  • Time widget allows you to fine-tune time with a live adjust slider. You could also choose to lock the time for that perfect forever sunset.

From playing Mother Nature to becoming Father Time. Our time widget is the end all for managing time. We took the familiar concept of a clock and built a live slider that you can grab and drag to perfection. Each end of the day/night cycle is highlighted to help you find sunrise and sunset. Want to freeze time? You can do that too!

Position widget by //42

  • Position widget shows your current aircraft position on a moving map, along with any traffic in your airspace and your nearest airport at a glance.

Our Position widget is a minimal approach to a moving map with minimal design elements, such as colors and labels. Reducing visual clutter allows us to focus on important information. View your current position, terrain elevation changes, air traffic, and nearby airports.

Cameras widget by //42

  • Cameras widget provides a quick switcher panel to expose camera angles you may never know you had.

Look, it's not ChasePlane, but it does help you get to tucked-away camera angles much quicker. Think of it like a switcher, similar to what you'd see in a broadcast house. All your cameras are presented in a quick select panel. Click away!


  • “Otto” is a search bar for true power users. Do math, search Wikipedia, do unit conversions, execute shorthand, find METAR data, calculate your Top of Decent and so much more.

“Otto” (pronouns he/him) always has your back; whether you ask for info on your nearest city or put him to work calculating your share of the taxi to the airport, he's always a click away. Are you task-saturated on short final? Try shorthand in the “Otto” search bar where LL = Landing Lights. He will forever claim he's faster than the wheel, but you'll have to judge that for yourself!

Toolbar Enhancement

  • Enhanced default toolbar replaces "handlebar" style. We've modded it to appear with a beautiful, fluid motion.
  • Hide the default toolbar entirely from Flow settings; you can always change your mind and bring it back if access is required.

Want to keep the default toolbar around? You can, and now it will behave more elegantly. Want to remove it entirely? You can do that too, and if you ever change your mind, you can bring it back. We've got you covered with an elegant solution, whichever way you go.

Core Features

All versions

  • Fully resizable interface elements built for individuals with vision impairment and cognitive or motor difficulties to a spec beyond the default toolbar.
  • Access your currently installed MSFS panels, default or 3rd party.
  • Works in-sim without external app requirements.
  • No measurable performance impact.
  • Sleek & intuitive interaction wheel alternative to the default toolbar.
  • Customizable wheel layouts, arrange panels to your needs.
  • Wheel show/hide can be bound to any assignable key/button.
  • Static & Dynamic wheels. Static always show, and Dynamic show only in a specific aircraft.
  • Xbox controller optimized.

Power users & Content creators

  • Everything from Flow and Flow Essentials.
  • A platform for power users & creators
  • Create scripts (widgets) using basic JavaScript / HTML / CSS
  • Import / Export scripts you've created or received from people you trust using our Flow Manager.
  • Twitch Integrations for content creators (ATCBot / Chat Overlay)
  • ATCbot widget sends real-time sim data directly into your Twitch chat via community standard commands such as !info !plane, !alt etc. Streamline your setup; it's all automatic now!
  • Chat Overlay widget displays your Twitch chat directly in the sim. Restrict to highlighted or subscribers only for added.
  • HUDs or Heads Up Display Widgets show data overlays directly in-sim. These include Control Inputs, Outside Forces, & Wind. Let viewers see the work it takes to land an aircraft!
  • “Otto” is a search bar for true power users. Do math or unit conversions, search Wikipedia, execute shorthand, find METAR data, or calculate your Top of Decent. The sky is the limit!
  • And more...

Other available tiers


  • Access your currently installed MSFS panels,
    default or 3rd party.
  • Enhanced default toolbar replaces "handlebar" style. We've modded it to appear with a beautiful, fluid motion.
  • Hide the default toolbar entirely from Flow settings; you can always change your mind and bring it back if access is required.

Most popular

  • Everything from the free version of Flow.
  • Portal widget by //42.
  • Weather widget by //42.
  • Time widget by //42.
  • Position widget by //42.
  • Cameras widget by //42.
  • Autopilot
  • Engine Start/Stop
  • Instant Refueling
  • Quit Sim
  • Flaps up/down
  • Aircraft reset
  • Battery Recharge
  • Sim Rate +/-
  • Parking Breaks on/off
  • Door controls
  • Gear controls
  • Lighting controls
Purchase $47.00 AUD
Sales tax will be calculated at checkout where applicable.
US$29.48 | €28,54 | £23.75
This purchase will earn you 18 Orbs!


This product has been produced by //42. For //42 product support, please go to https://parallel42.com/pages/contact

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You will need Orbx Central to download and install this product. Orbx Central runs on Windows 7+, macOS and Linux. An internet connection is also required.

The download size of this product is 18.71 MB. It uses 34.86 MB when installed.

Supported Simulators

This product is compatible with the following simulators:

  • Microsoft Flight Simulator

Supported Operating Systems

This product is compatible with the following operating systems:

  • Windows